
       Our family is native to Franklin, Tennessee. As a child, My wife grew up in her Grandpa's shop on the square. It has been both of our life long dreams to open our own place someday. The opportunity to be a part of The Factory here in the town she grew up in has been like a dream come true. The history intertwined with The Factory at Franklin made this the perfect place for us to incorporate our love of the town's history with our desire to provide a fun place to just RELAX.  

We chose to create The Double Barrel as a Cigar/Fine Tobacco lounge that is inviting to all who visit The Factory.
Whether you are waiting for your kids extra activities to end  (Dance, Karate, Singing, Modeling, ect...), here for an event, or at the factory for a wedding planning appointment, this is a great place to relax and pass the time; even if you just want a place to go for some "Relax Time." Come see us at the Double Barrel!